
This page lists the IRSG's reports, position papers and other publications.

Switzerland's approach to EU engagement: a financial services perspective

This paper examines Switzerland’s past and present political engagement with the EU through the prism of Switzerland’s financial services industry and the lessons to be learned for the UK rearding the experience of a European country operating outside of the EU.

Published: 5/04/2013

The impact of a Financial Transaction Tax on corporate and sovereign debt

This paper examines the impact of the European Commission’s proposed financial transaction tax (FTT) on corporate and sovereign debt markets.

Published: 3/04/2013

Financial Transaction Taxes- high level summary of tax options

Position Paper

This paper, produced by the IRSG's Financial Sector Taxation Working Group, compares some of the key design features of UK Stamp Duty Reserve Tax, French FTT, Italian FTT, Swedish FTT, Swiss Stamp Duty and the proposed EU11 FTT.

Published: 25/03/2013

IRSG response to FSB's integrated policy recommendations on Shadow Banking

The IRSG response to the FSB's integrated policy recommendations on strengthening the oversight and regulation of shadow banking focuses on issues relating to Monery Market Funds, securities lending and repo and securitization.

Published: 14/01/2013

IRSG position paper on Retail Investment Products

Position Paper

This position paper sets out the IRSG's views on the Key Information Documents proposal.

Published: 8/01/2013

IRSG response to European Commission consultation on a possible recovery and resolution framework for financial institutions other than banks

Position Paper

IRSG response to the European Commission consultation on a possible recovery and resolution framework for financial institutions other than banks.

Published: 21/12/2012

SME financing: Impact of regulation and the Eurozone crisis

This report looks at the factors impacting on banks’ ability to maintain lending to SMEs.

Published: 26/11/2012

Anglo-French Committee letter on CVA exemption

The Anglo-French Committee of the City of London and Paris Europlace wrote to Commissioner Barnier to express support for an exemption to the CVA risk charge in CRD4 for corporates and pension funds.

Published: 26/11/2012

IRSG position paper on Data Protection

Position Paper

The document reviews the European Commission’s proposals for a Regulation on data protection.

Published: 16/11/2012

IRSG response to HMT consultation “Financial Sector Resolution: Broadening the Regime”

Position Paper

A response to HM Treasury’s consultation on a possible recovery and resolution framework for financial institutions other than banks.

Published: 15/11/2012