
This page lists the IRSG's reports, position papers and other publications.

The effects of a financial transaction tax on European households' savings

This research considers the impact of the proposed financial transactions tax on European households’ savings arising through its effect on the value of equity and debt holdings in six EU member states.

Published: 18/02/2014

Implications of a Financial Transaction Tax for the European regulatory reform agenda

This paper considers the impact of the proposed financial transaction tax on the regulatory reform agenda and financial stability.

Published: 27/01/2014

IRSG response to Balance of Competences Review- Single Market: Financial Services and the Free Movement of Capital

The IRSG has submitted a response HM Treasury's call for evidence in response to the Balance of Competences Review – Single Market: Financial Services and the Free Movement of Capital.

Published: 23/01/2014

IRSG principles for the Recovery and Resolution Directive

The IRSG has prepared a paper outlining principles for the EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive

Published: 4/12/2013

IRSG response to Swinburne report on non-bank resolution

This paper provides some comments on Kay Swinburne MEP's draft own-initiative report on a recovery and resolution framework for non-bank financial institutions.

Published: 7/10/2013

IRSG commentary on data processing for compliance with legal and regulatory obligations

The paper provides commentary on data processing for compliance with legal and regulatory obligations.

Published: 7/10/2013

IRSG letter on MiFID

This letter from the IRSG Chair sets out the IRSG's views on MiFID.

Published: 23/09/2013

IRSG response to Commission Green Paper on long-term financing of the EU economy

Position Paper

The International Regulatory Strategy Group welcomes the Commission’s opening of the debate on the role of financial services in providing funding to the wider economy.

Published: 17/06/2013

IRSG response to ECON consultation on the coherence of EU financial services legislation

The IRSG response to the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee consultation on the coherence of EU financial services legislation.

Published: 3/06/2013

IRSG briefing on trading transparency and market liquidity in the MiFID/MiFIR proposals

This paper focuses on trading transparency and market liquidity in the MiFID2/MiFIR proposals.

Published: 19/04/2013