Response to the ISSB Request for Information Consultation on Agenda Priorities

Published 31 Aug 2023

The IRSG welcomes the opportunity to contribute a response to the ISSB request for information on its next two-year work plan.

The IRSG believes that it is crucial that the ISSB works to support global adoption and consistent implementation of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 standards. The IRSG encourages the ISSB to continue its efforts to promote the uptake of the standards and work to ensure the interoperability of the ISSB across the different frameworks and jurisdiction-specific regulations that are in place or are in development.

The IRSG acknowledges the ISSB’s capacity issues limit the potential for pursuing multiple projects. We therefore encourage the ISSB to prioritise biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services. We believe this would be an important step in addressing gaps in global biodiversity reporting while reducing the risk of fragmentation, and will assist companies in managing their nature-related impact, dependencies, risks and opportunities in a sustainable way.

The IRSG supports the identified criteria for prioritising sustainability-related reporting issues, as they broadly follow the outline of the IFRS standards, where financial materiality serves as the overlay to both future work and for the standards themselves.