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- About us
- Our Activities
- Response to FCA DP24/4: Cryptoassets Admissions Disclosures and MARC
- IRSG & Clifford Chance Report – Harmonising Sustainability Disclosures: A Roadmap for the Adoption of ISSB Standards
- Response to UK Green Taxonomy Consultation
- Response to Bank of England’s discussion paper on innovation in money and payments
- Response to Digital Securities Sandbox joint Bank of England and FCA consultation
- Response to PRA's Consultation Paper CP27/23
- Report – Financial Services Priorities for the Italian G7 and Brazilian G20 Presidencies
- Response to the FCA’s Guidance consultation on the Anti-Greenwashing rule
- Response to the call for evidence of the UK Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (DESNZ) on the benefits, costs, and practicalities of Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting in the UK
- Response to Digital Securities Sandbox consultation by HM Treasury
- Response to updated Green Finance Strategy
- Response to HMT future financial services regulatory regime for cryptoassets
- Response to BoE / FCA DP5/22 – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Response to FCA's Discussion Paper DP23/4
- Industry group launches Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers
- Report – Anti-Money Laundering and Beneficial Ownership
- Response to 'A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation'
- Response to the ISSB Request for Information Consultation on Agenda Priorities
- Farmida Bi of Norton Rose Fulbright appointed to chair the International Regulatory Strategy Group
- Response to EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)
- Consultation on Draft Code of Conduct for Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Ratings and Data Product Providers
- An economic partnership based on close and structured cooperation
- Response to the HM Treasury Consultation on the Future Regulatory Regime for ESG Ratings Providers
- Response to 'The digital pound: A new form of money for households and businesses'
- IRSG Report – Financial Services Priorities for the Japanese G7 and Indian G20 Presidencies
- IRSG to set up industry working group developing a voluntary code of conduct for ESG data and ratings providers
- IRSG Crypto TSC response
- IRSG Comment letter – ISSB consultation on a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability disclosures (IFRS S1 and IFRS S2)
- Report – The Use of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) in Wholesale Markets
- Report – Financial Services Priorities for the G7 and G20 Presidencies
- IRSG Narrative – EU Strategic Autonomy
- IRSG joint position paper - Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and related Article 8 Taxonomy disclosures
- IRSG Report – The future of internationaldata transfers
- Response to HM Government Financial Services Future Regulatory Framework: Proposals for reform
- IRSG Report - ESG Ratings and ESG Data in Financial Services – A view from practitioners
- IRSG Narrative – EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
- IRSG Narrative – EU Third Country Regime for Banking Services (CRD6)
- IRSG Response the the EDPB Guidelines 05/2021
- IRSG Response – DCMS consultation “Data: a new direction”
- IRSG Response – ICO consultation on international transfers under UK GDPR
- IRSG Response - IOSCO consultation report on ESG ratings and data product providers
- IRSG Report – The UK regime for overseas firms
- Accelerating the S in ESG: a roadmap for global progress on social standards
- Financial Services Priorities for the UK’s G7 Presidency
- IRSG Recommendations for reviewing the EU Taxonomy for UK application
- Response to HM Treasury Financial Services Future Regulatory Framework Review Phase II Consultation
- Global Solutions to Global Problems: Promoting Regulatory Coherence in Financial Services for Pandemic Recovery
- IRSG Response - guidelines on examples regarding data breach notification
- IRSG Response – EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
- Financial services priorities for the UK’s G7 presidency
- IRSG Response – UK National Data Strategy
- IRSG Report – How the trend towards data localisation is impacting the financial services sector
- Interim report: The UK regime for overseas firms
- EU Regulation Standing Committee Response to Consultation on an EU Framework for Markets in Cryptoassets
- Data Workstream Response to Consultation on White Paper on Artificial Intelligence
- Data Workstream Response to Consultation on European Strategy for Data
- 'The Great Repeal Bill': Domesticating EU Law
- A Financial Transaction Tax - review of impact assessment
- A New Basis for Access
- Achieving meaningful and lasting reform in OTC derivatives
- An economic partnership based on close and structured cooperation: Key principles for the management of the future UK-EU relationship in financial services
- Anglo-French Committee Letter on Trade Finance
- Anglo-French Committee letter on CVA exemption
- Anglo-French Committee letter on Capital Markets Union
- Anglo-French Committee letter on TTIP
- Anglo-French Committee response to Capital Markets Union consultation
- EU Banking Union - Operational Issues and Design Considerations
- EU Commission proposal for Third Country CCPs
- Finance for jobs and growth in Europe
- Financial Regulatory Group Calls for Bespoke Mutual Access Arrangement
- Financial Transaction Taxes- high level summary of tax options
- Financing Europe’s investment and economic growth
- IRSG Data workstream letter to Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
- IRSG Letter to the European Commission: Brexit and personal data flows
- IRSG Paper on CCPs post-Brexit
- IRSG Paper on Recovery and Resolution regime for CCPs
- IRSG Report - Towards an AI-powered UK: UK-based financial and related professional services
- IRSG Report on Retail Financial Services
- IRSG Report on the Cumulative Impact of EU Financial Services Regulation
- IRSG Report on the EU's Third Country Regimes and Alternatives to Passporting
- IRSG Report – Global Regulatory Coherence within Financial Services
- IRSG Response to Capital Markets Union Action Plan
- IRSG briefing on Bank Structural Reform Agenda
- IRSG briefing on third country provisions in Benchmarks Regulation
- IRSG briefing on third country provisions in the EC Proposal for a revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation
- IRSG briefing on trading transparency and market liquidity in the MiFID/MiFIR proposals
- IRSG commentary on data processing for compliance with legal and regulatory obligations
- IRSG example GDPR ready processor terms
- IRSG high level position paper on global data
- IRSG letter on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)
- IRSG letter on MiFID
- IRSG letter to Next CMU high-level group
- IRSG position paper on Benchmarks Regulation
- IRSG position paper on Data Protection
- IRSG position paper on the European Commission Markets in Financial Instruments Directive proposals
- IRSG principles for the Recovery and Resolution Directive
- IRSG report on Packaged Retail Investment Products
- IRSG response to Balance of Competences Review – Economic and Monetary Policy
- IRSG response to Balance of Competences Review- Single Market: Financial Services and the Free Movement of Capital
- IRSG response to Capital Markets Union Midterm Review Consultation
- IRSG response to Commission Green Paper on building a Capital Markets Union
- IRSG response to Commission Green Paper on long-term financing of the EU economy
- IRSG response to ECON consultation on the coherence of EU financial services legislation
- IRSG response to European Commission Green Paper on Shadow Banking
- IRSG response to European Commission consultation on a possible recovery and resolution framework for financial institutions other than banks
- IRSG response to European Commission consultation on the EU Corporate Governance Framework
- IRSG response to FSB's integrated policy recommendations on ShadowBanking
- IRSG response to HMT consultation “Financial Sector Resolution: Broadening the Regime”
- Response to House of Lords inquiry on EU financial regulatory framework
- IRSG response to IOSCO consultation on cross-border regulation
- IRSG response to Swinburne report on non-bank resolution
- IRSG response to public consultation on the operation of the European Supervisory Authorities
- IRSG response to the proposal for review of the European System of Financial Supervision
- Impact of Brexit on Personal Data Transfers
- Implications of a Financial Transaction Tax for the European regulatory reform agenda
- Principles for a Capital Markets Union in Europe
- Switzerland's approach to EU engagement: a financial services perspective
- The Investment Firm Review Statement
- The architecture for regulating finance after Brexit
- The architecture for regulating finance after Brexit: Phase II
- The effects of a financial transaction tax on European households' savings
- The impact of a Financial Transaction Tax on corporate and sovereign debt
- The implications of the new financial regulatory architecture
- Trends in IPO listings by SMEs in the EU
- IRSG paper: a coherent and interoperable international regulatory framework on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Response to the House of Lords Financial Services Regulation Committee inquiry into FCA and PRA’s secondary objectives
- Where Next Europe: The Future of European Financial Services
- Wholesale Financial Markets series
- IRSG Response – FSB consultation on outsourcing and third-party relationships
- IRSG Response – Roadmap on Capital Markets Union Action Plan
- IRSG Response – Consultation on a new Digital Finance Strategy for Europe
- Publication of a Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers